Initializes a new instance of the Pop3Client class and connects to the specified port on the specified host, optionally using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security protocol.

Namespace: S22.Pop3
Assembly: S22.Pop3 (in S22.Pop3.dll) Version: 1.1.4653.26443 (


public Pop3Client(
	string hostname,
	int port = 110,
	bool ssl = false,
	RemoteCertificateValidationCallback validate = null


Type: System..::..String
The DNS name of the server to which you intend to connect.
port (Optional)
Type: System..::..Int32
The port number of the server to which you intend to connect.
ssl (Optional)
Type: System..::..Boolean
Set to true to use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security protocol.
validate (Optional)
Type: System.Net.Security..::..RemoteCertificateValidationCallback
Delegate used for verifying the remote Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate which is used for authentication. Set this to null if not needed


This example shows how to establish a connection with a POP3 server and print out the POP3 options, which the server supports.
/* Connect to AOL's POP3 server */
Pop3Client Client = new Pop3Client("");

/* Print out the server's capabilities. */
foreach(string s in Client.Capabilities())



System..::..ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThe port parameter is not between MinPort and MaxPort.
System..::..ArgumentNullExceptionThe hostname parameter is null.
System.Net.Sockets..::..SocketExceptionAn error occurred while accessing the socket used for establishing the connection to the POP3 server. Use the ErrorCode property to obtain the specific error code
System.Security.Authentication..::..AuthenticationExceptionAn authentication error occured while trying to establish a secure connection.
S22.Pop3..::..BadServerResponseExceptionThrown if an unexpected response is received from the server upon connecting.

See Also