The S22.Xmpp.Im namespace contains classes and enumerations that implement the basic messaging and presence functionality of XMPP as is defined in the XMPP:Im specification.


Public classErrorEventArgs
Provides data for the Error event.
Public classGroupPrivacyRule
Represents a privacy rule pertaining to a group.
Public classJidPrivacyRule
Represents a privacy rule pertaining to a JID.
Public classMessage
Represents a Message stanza as defined in XMPP:IM.
Public classMessageEventArgs
Provides data for the Message event.
Public classPrivacyList
Represents an XMPP privacy list.
Public classPrivacyRule
Represents a generic privacy rule.
Public classRoster
Represents the user's roster.
Public classRosterItem
Represents a roster item.
Public classRosterUpdatedEventArgs
Provides data for the RosterUpdated Event.
Public classStatus
Provides status information for a contact.
Public classStatusEventArgs
Provides data for the Status event.
Public classSubscriptionApprovedEventArgs
Provides data for the SubscriptionApproved Event.
Public classSubscriptionPrivacyRule
Represents a privacy rule pertaining to a subscription state.
Public classSubscriptionRefusedEventArgs
Provides data for the SubscriptionRefused Event.
Public classSubscriptionRequestEventArgs
Provides data for the SubscriptionRequest Event.
Public classUnsubscribedEventArgs
Provides data for the Unsubscribed Event.
Public classXmppIm
Implements the basic instant messaging (IM) and presence functionality.


Public delegateSubscriptionRequest
Represents a request for subscription.


Public enumerationAvailability
Defines the possible values for a user's availability status.
Public enumerationMessageType
Defines the possible types for Message stanzas.
Public enumerationPrivacyGranularity
Defines the possible values for specifying more granular control over which kinds of stanzas are to be blocked.
Public enumerationSubscriptionState
Defines the possible values for the subscription state of a roster item.