The S22.Imap namespace contains classes used to communicate with and receive electronic mail from an Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) server.


Public classBadServerResponseException
The exception that is thrown when an unexpected response is received from the server.
Public classBodypart
Represents a MIME body part of a mail message that has multiple parts.
Public classContentDisposition
Represents the content disposition as is presented in the BODYSTRUCTURE response by the IMAP server.
Public classIdleErrorEventArgs
Provides data for IMAP idle error events.
Public classIdleMessageEventArgs
Provides data for IMAP idle notification events.
Public classImapClient
Enables applications to communicate with a mail server using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).
Public classInvalidCredentialsException
The exception that is thrown when the supplied credentials were rejected by the server.
Public classMailboxInfo
Provides access to status information such as the total number of messages and quota information for a mailbox.
Public classMailMessageExtension
Adds extension methods to the MailMessage class of the .NET Framework.
Public classNotAuthenticatedException
The exception that is thrown when a client has not authenticated with the server and attempts to call a method which can only be called when authenticated.
Public classSearchCondition
Represents chainable search conditions that can be used with the Search method.


Public interfaceIImapClient
Enables applications to communicate with a mail server using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).


Public delegateExaminePartDelegate
A delegate which is invoked during a call to GetMessage or GetMessages for every MIME part in a multipart mail message. The delegate can examine the MIME body part and decide to either include it in the returned mail message or dismiss it.


Public enumerationAuthMethod
Defines supported means of authenticating with an IMAP server.
Public enumerationContentDispositionType
Possible values for the content disposition type which determines the presentation style
Public enumerationContentTransferEncoding
Possible values for the "Encoding" property of the Bodypart class. The content transfer encoding indicates whether or not a binary-to-text encoding scheme has been used on top of the original encoding as specified within the Content-Type header.
Public enumerationContentType
Possible values for the "Type" property of the Bodypart class. For a detailed description of MIME Media Types refer to RFC 2046.
Public enumerationFetchOptions
Defines the different means by which mail messages may be fetched from the server.
Public enumerationMailboxFlag
Defines possible attributes for mailboxes.
Public enumerationMessageFlag
Defines possible attributes for mail messages on an IMAP server.