Possible values for the "Encoding" property of the Bodypart class. The content transfer encoding indicates whether or not a binary-to-text encoding scheme has been used on top of the original encoding as specified within the Content-Type header.

Namespace: S22.Imap
Assembly: S22.Imap (in S22.Imap.dll) Version: (


public enum ContentTransferEncoding


Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 The content tranfer encoding could not be determined or is unknown.
Bit71 Up to 998 bytes per line of the code range 1 - 127 with CR and LF only allowed to appear as part of a CRLF line ending.
Bit82 Up to 998 bytes per line with CR and LF only allowed to appear as part of a CRLF line ending.
Binary3 Any sequence of bytes.
QuotedPrintable4 Byte sequence is encoded using the quoted-printable encoding.
Base645 Byte sequence is encoded using Base64 encoding.

See Also