The XmppIm type exposes the following members.


Public eventError
The event that is raised when an unrecoverable error condition occurs.
Public eventMessage
The event that is raised when a chat message is received.
Public eventRosterUpdated
The event that is raised when the roster of the user has been updated, i.e. a contact has been added, removed or updated.
Public eventStatus
The event that is raised when a status notification from a contact has been received.
Public eventSubscriptionApproved
The event that is raised when a subscription request made by the JID associated with this instance has been approved.
Public eventSubscriptionRefused
The event that is raised when a subscription request made by the JID associated with this instance has been refused.
Public eventUnsubscribed
The event that is raised when a user or resource has unsubscribed from receiving presence notifications of the JID associated with this instance.

See Also