Retrieves the current time of the XMPP client with the specified JID.

Namespace: S22.Xmpp.Client
Assembly: S22.Xmpp (in S22.Xmpp.dll) Version: (


public DateTime GetTime(
	Jid jid


Type: S22.Xmpp..::..Jid
The JID of the user to retrieve the current time for.

Return Value

The current time of the XMPP client with the specified JID.


System..::..ArgumentNullExceptionThe jid parameter is null.
System..::..InvalidOperationExceptionThe XmppClient instance is not connected to a remote host.
System.IO..::..IOExceptionThere was a failure while writing to or reading from the network.
System..::..NotSupportedExceptionThe XMPP client of the user with the specified JID does not support the retrieval of the current time.
System..::..ObjectDisposedExceptionThe XmppClient object has been disposed.
S22.Xmpp..::..XmppErrorExceptionThe server or the XMPP client of the user with the specified JID returned an XMPP error code. Use the Error property of the XmppErrorException to obtain the specific error condition.
S22.Xmpp..::..XmppExceptionThe server returned invalid data or another unspecified XMPP error occurred.

See Also