The XmppClient type exposes the following members.


Public methodXmppClient(String, Int32, Boolean, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)
Initializes a new instance of the XmppClient class.
Public methodXmppClient(String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)
Initializes a new instance of the XmppClient class.


Public methodAddContact
Adds the contact with the specified JID to the user's roster.
Public methodAuthenticate
Authenticates with the XMPP server using the specified username and password.
Public methodBlock
Blocks all communication to and from the XMPP entity with the specified JID.
Public methodBuzz
Buzzes the user with the specified JID in order to get his or her attention.
Public methodCancelFileTransfer
Cancels the specified file-transfer.
Public methodClose
Closes the connection with the XMPP server. This automatically disposes of the object.
Public methodConnect
Establishes a connection to the XMPP server.
Public methodDispose()()()()
Releases all resources used by the current instance of the XmppClient class.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases all resources used by the current instance of the XmppClient class, optionally disposing of managed resource.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBlocklist
Returns an enumerable collection of blocked contacts.
Public methodGetFeatures
Returns an enumerable collection of XMPP features supported by the XMPP client with the specified JID.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRoster
Retrieves the user's roster (contact list).
Public methodGetTime
Retrieves the current time of the XMPP client with the specified JID.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVersion
Retrieves the software version of the XMPP client with the specified JID.
Public methodInitiateFileTransfer(Jid, String, String, Action<(Of <<'(Boolean, FileTransfer>)>>))
Offers the specified file to the XMPP user with the specified JID and, if accepted by the user, transfers the file.
Public methodInitiateFileTransfer(Jid, Stream, String, Int64, String, Action<(Of <<'(Boolean, FileTransfer>)>>))
Offers the XMPP user with the specified JID the file with the specified name and, if accepted by the user, transfers the file using the supplied stream.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPing
Pings the user with the specified JID.
Public methodRegister
Initiates in-band registration with the XMPP server in order to register a new XMPP account.
Public methodRemoveContact(Jid)
Removes the item with the specified JID from the user's roster.
Public methodRemoveContact(RosterItem)
Removes the specified item from the user's roster.
Public methodSendMessage(Message)
Sends the specified chat message.
Public methodSendMessage(Jid, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>), IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>), String, MessageType, CultureInfo)
Sends a chat message with the specified content to the specified JID.
Public methodSendMessage(Jid, String, String, String, MessageType, CultureInfo)
Sends a chat message with the specified content to the specified JID.
Public methodSetActivity
Sets the user's activity to the specified activity value(s).
Public methodSetAvatar
Publishes the image located at the specified path as the user's avatar.
Public methodSetMood
Sets the user's mood to the specified mood value.
Public methodSetStatus(Status)
Sets the availability status.
Public methodSetStatus(Availability, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>), SByte)
Sets the availability status.
Public methodSetStatus(Availability, String, SByte, CultureInfo)
Sets the availability status.
Public methodSetTune(TuneInformation)
Publishes the specified music information to contacts on the user's roster.
Public methodSetTune(String, String, String, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Publishes the specified music information to contacts on the user's roster.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnblock
Unblocks all communication to and from the XMPP entity with the specified JID.


Public propertyAuthenticated
Determines whether the instance has been authenticated.
Public propertyConnected
Determines whether the instance is connected to the XMPP server.
Public propertyFileTransferRequest
A callback method to invoke when a request for a file-transfer is received from another XMPP user.
Public propertyFileTransferSettings
Contains settings for configuring file-transfer options.
Public propertyHostname
The hostname of the XMPP server to connect to.
Public propertyIm
The underlying XmppIm instance.
Public propertyIsEncrypted
Determines whether the session with the server is TLS/SSL encrypted.
Public propertyJid
The address of the Xmpp entity.
Public propertyPassword
The password with which to authenticate.
Public propertyPort
The port number of the XMPP service of the server.
Public propertySubscriptionRequest
A callback method to invoke when a request for a subscription is received from another XMPP user.
Public propertyTls
If true the session will be TLS/SSL-encrypted if the server supports it.
Public propertyUsername
The username with which to authenticate. In XMPP jargon this is known as the 'node' part of the JID.
Public propertyValidate
A delegate used for verifying the remote Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate which is used for authentication.


Public eventActivityChanged
The event that is raised when an activity notification has been received.
Public eventAvatarChanged
The event that is raised when a contact has updated his or her avatar.
Public eventChatStateChanged
The event that is raised when the chat-state of an XMPP entity has changed.
Public eventError
The event that is raised when an unrecoverable error condition occurs.
Public eventFileTransferAborted
The event that is raised when an on-going file-transfer has been aborted prematurely, either due to cancellation or error.
Public eventFileTransferProgress
The event that is raised periodically for every file-transfer operation to inform subscribers of the progress of the operation.
Public eventMessage
The event that is raised when a chat message is received.
Public eventMoodChanged
The event that is raised when a mood notification has been received.
Public eventRosterUpdated
The event that is raised when the roster of the user has been updated, i.e. a contact has been added, removed or updated.
Public eventStatusChanged
The event that is raised when a status notification has been received.
Public eventSubscriptionApproved
The event that is raised when a subscription request made by the JID associated with this instance has been approved.
Public eventSubscriptionRefused
The event that is raised when a subscription request made by the JID associated with this instance has been refused.
Public eventTune
The event that is raised when a contact has published tune information.
Public eventUnsubscribed
The event that is raised when a user or resource has unsubscribed from receiving presence notifications of the JID associated with this instance.

See Also