Publishes the specified music information to contacts on the user's roster.

Namespace: S22.Xmpp.Client
Assembly: S22.Xmpp (in S22.Xmpp.dll) Version: (


public void SetTune(
	string title = null,
	string artist = null,
	string track = null,
	int length = 0,
	int rating = 0,
	string source = null,
	string uri = null


title (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
The title of the song or piece.
artist (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
The artist or performer of the song or piece.
track (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
A unique identifier for the tune; e.g., the track number within a collection or the specific URI for the object (e.g., a stream or audio file).
length (Optional)
Type: System..::..Int32
The duration of the song or piece in seconds.
rating (Optional)
Type: System..::..Int32
The user's rating of the song or piece, from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).
source (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
The collection (e.g., album) or other source (e.g., a band website that hosts streams or audio files).
uri (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
A URI or URL pointing to information about the song, collection, or artist


Publishing no information (i.e. calling Publish without any parameters is considered a "stop command" to disable publishing).


System..::..NotSupportedExceptionThe server does not support the 'Personal Eventing Protocol' extension.
S22.Xmpp..::..XmppErrorExceptionThe server returned an XMPP error code. Use the Error property of the XmppErrorException to obtain the specific error condition.
S22.Xmpp..::..XmppExceptionThe server returned invalid data or another unspecified XMPP error occurred.
System..::..InvalidOperationExceptionThe XmppClient instance is not connected to a remote host, or the XmppClient instance has not authenticated with the XMPP server.
System..::..ObjectDisposedExceptionThe XmppClient object has been disposed.

See Also